Environmental Performance

Cape Byron Management recognises its responsibilities in environmental stewardship as a power station owner and operator and is committed to being an innovative leader in the management of environment impacts from its business operations. We committed to managing, monitoring and reducing where practicable, the environmental impacts of its business operations through continual improvement especially in relation to emissions.

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

The Cape Byron Management power plants at Condong and Broadwater operate under environmental protection licences (EPL) issued by the Environmental Protection Authority. The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1999 (POEO Act) requires holders of an EPL to prepare and implement a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP).

Broadly the purpose of a PIRMP is to establish protocols to assess and manage the risks of harm from a pollution incident through identification of hazards and the development of planned actions for responding to and communicating incidents within the organisation and to regulatory authorities and the local community.

Adobe PDF Icon Cape Byron Power Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Regulatory Authority Notification

In the event of an emergency or pollution incident that causes or threatens to cause material harm to people or the environment the site Operations Superintendent must immediately contact each of the relevant regulatory authorities identified below.

Authority Phone #
Fire and Rescue NSW (Hazmat) 1300 729 579
Ambulance | Emergency 000
Environment Protection Agency (EPA) 131 555
Workcover NSW 131 050
Ministry of Health – Northern NSW 02 6620 2125
Local Authorities:
Broadwater: Richmond Valley Shire Council 02 6660 0300
Condong: Tweed Valley Shire Council 02 6670 2400

Communicating with Neighbours and Local Community

In the unlikely event an incident occurs that poses any threat to human health or the property of neighbouring residents Hazmat, Fire and Rescue NSW or police will engage with and provide updates to those residents and the community. Should there be immediate threat human health or property and no Emergency Services personnel in attendance the site chief warden will ensure those residents are door knocked and advised on the situation.

Local residents of the Broadwater or Condong community who have questions regarding the PIRMP or want to express environmental concerns about either co-generation facility please call (02) 6672 9200 or email:

Environmental Monitoring and Compliance

In accordance with the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act), Cape Byron Management publishes a monthly summary of our Environment Protection Licence (EPL) data. The reports for Condong and Broadwater Power Stations can be downloaded below in PDF format.

Adobe PDF Icon Cape Byron Power Condong EPL20424
Adobe PDF Icon Cape Byron Power Condong EPL20424 Historical Data
(2019 – 2024)
Adobe PDF Icon Cape Byron Power Broadwater EPL20425
Adobe PDF Icon Cape Byron Power Broadwater EPL20425 Historical Data
(2019 – 2024)